dr demartini 7 areas of life

How To Be More Successful: The Dr Demartini 7 Areas of Life

To live a full life, it helps to have the map.

Dr Demartini’s 7 areas of life gave me that map back in 2016 when I attended his transformational Breakthrough Experience seminar.

Before I learned them, my life was imbalanced. I was successful in some areas but failing miserably in others. By learning them I was able to start making progress in all 7 areas and living a richer life.

Here’s how you can do the same.

What Are The Dr Demartini 7 Areas of Life?

The 7 areas are:

  1. Spiritual
  2. Mental
  3. Vocational
  4. Financial
  5. Familial
  6. Social
  7. Physical

Here’s the definition of each of the 7 areas:

  • Spiritual: Your meaningful purpose or mission for your life
  • Mental: Genius/creativity – The area of knowledge you wish to develop
  • Vocational: Career success, achievement, service
  • Financial: Financial freedom/independence
  • Familial: Family love and intimacy and continuance of procreation
  • Social: Social influence and leadership
  • Physical: Health, stamina, strength, and well-being

Why Should I Empower All 7 Areas of My Life?

By knowing the 7 areas, you can get clear on where your priorities are, but more importantly it avoids you being dominated by other people as Dr Demartini talks about here:

Any of these seven areas that we as individuals don’t empower will become overpowered by others. So any area of life that we don’t empower, somebody else will overpower.

Dr John F. Demartini

Here’s Dr Demartini talking about the 7 areas in more detail:

You’ll find that some of the areas are more empowered than others.

For me, I’m stronger in mental, financial, vocational and physical. I’m weaker in familial, social and spiritual.

As a result, I was developing in my career and knowledge, but I was disconnected from myself, my friends and family. I’d isolate myself and just work all the time. As a result, I was unhappy because I was out of balance.

By recognising that, I can make a plan to add some focus to the other areas. For example, now I:

  • Make sure to finish work everyday at 7pm
  • Visit my parents at Christmas every year (I travel year round)
  • Call them much more often
  • Work to heal my relationships with everyone

By recognising these areas as weaker, I put concrete steps in place to help to readdress the balance.

How Can You Empower Your Dr Demartini 7 Areas of Life?

You’ll instinctively know which areas are empowered, and as a result, which are dis-empowered.

Ask yourself, what can you do to bring more balance to those weaker areas?

The goal isn’t to split your time equally across the Dr Demartini 7 areas of life, you’ll always spend more time, energy and money on the areas that are most important to you. But if you’re investing almost zero time into some of the areas, it makes sense to adjust that.

Dr Demartini has a nice way of doing this:

Seeing as there are 7 days of the week, make one of these 7 areas your primary focus for each day and raise the bar in each of these areas one day at a time. This way, improving your life becomes a “one day at a time” kind of game without it seeming like too much effort.

Dr John F. Demartini

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