Life Purpose
Side hustles for college students are a great way to make a little extra spending money without having to work too hard. There are tons of side hustles that take up very little time and can be pulled off from the comfort of your dorm room- all you need is a computer, internet connection and
Read MoreYes, I said crackpipe. Why? Because when a crackhead takes one suck from the pipe, it takes two back. The addict gets something from it, but they lose way more than they gain. For me, social media is that crackpipe, and I am that crackhead. Social media promised us so much. We could share ideas,
Read MoreThis is more than another The E-Myth Revisited Summary. There’s a lot of great stuff in the book, but instead of covering everything we’ve focused on the 7 biggest “A ha” moments you can use to accelerate your growth. There’s a reason The E-Myth keeps cropping up on “Best business books” lists despite it being
Read MoreMornings are a great time to prepare yourself for everything that you are going to face. Whether you are a teenager in school, a young adult in college, or if you are working a daily job, preparation is key. Finding the routine that best benefits you and your day is important. This process won’t look
Read MoreI wrote this The One Thing Summary because the book made a profound difference in my and I know it can do the same in yours. The One Thing is such an underrated book, and whilst there’s a lot of gems, there’s a single question that has the power to change your life. Read this
Read MoreWant to achieve more? This is the book you need. The 80/20 Principle is one of the most important books of this century. In fact, the principle comes from an economist called Vilfred Pareto who wanted to understand why 80% of Italy’s land was owned by 20% of the population. What he discovered became known
Read MoreWould you like to get free mentors for life? Do you want to half the time it takes to master your craft? Then find a mentor. When you find the right mentor, you’ll learn faster and achieve your independence from your 9 to 5 sooner. The right mentor will help you shortcut the process. You’ll
Read MoreThe student has become the master. The words every young grasshopper wants to hear, but how do you get there? In Robert Greene’s Mastery he reveals the process all masters followed to become great. From Einstein to Mozart, they walked the same steps. And you’ll walk the same path if you want to be great.
Read MoreIf you want to know how the world’s 4th richest man sets goals, this is for you. This video reveals the exact process Warren uses, that he revealed to one of his employees many years ago. Share This Post With Your Twitter Followers Full Transcript What can the fourth richest man in the world teach
Read MoreWant to get better at sales as fast as possible? Here’s 7 strategies you can learn in 4 minutes that are guaranteed to help you close more sales this month. Full Transcript: If you’re just getting started or you haven’t been focused on sales for very long, there are seven strategies you can learn really
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